Cephalodella incila, an eyeless Cephalodella-species with medium toes (total length vs. toe length: 4:1). Lateral view; specimen from (1) |
Cephalodella incila; this species is characterised by a distinct foot, which can be seen in this dorsoventral view. (1) |
Cephalodella tenuior, virgate trophi, trophi type B ; lateral view (1) |
Cephalodella incila, specimen from (2); lateral view. |
Cephalodella incila, lateral view, focus plane on the conspicuous caudal antenna (2) |
Cephalodella incila, another two images of the virgate trophi. Left: focal plane on the U-shaped pleural rod (arrow); right: focal plane on the dentated inner margin of the rami (arrow). (2) |
Cephalodella incila, pleural rods (left) and manubrium (right) of specimen from (3) |
Images of specimens (2) courtesy of Dr. Martin Kreutz, realmicrolife. |
Location (3): Auermühle Felderbach Hattingen, NRW, Germany (Loc_2) |
Habitat (3): lotic water (click to enlarge >>>>) |
Date : 22.04.2021 (3) |
Loacation: Wodantal (West) Hattingen (NRW); Germany, creek; moss sample (1); NSG Mindelsee, near Konstanz, BW, Germany; moss on tree (2); |
Habitat: between detritus; together with Philodina flavceps. (1); dry moss (2) |
Date: 03.07.2018 (1); 04/2021 |